Saturday, October 24, 2015

My son wanted to add that Elgin sleeps in the bed, prefers the middle but will move to the side if you insist.

We put up a small fenced off area in the backyard for Elgin. He is doing excellent with the new arrangement.  He already has adjusted to the new routine and is thriving with it.  We still take a good long walk every day but he does his business at home and we've had no accidents since the switch.  I think he finally gets it.
 His hair is getting long and I think he's due for a haircut.  He did get a little bang trim this week.

He doesn't look too happy here but trust me he's happy to be able to see where he's going again. 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Here is the link to the after school video,  I guess it isn't working for some people.
Hope this one does.
Elgin is doing very well.  He is nearly housetrained, I won't call it yet because he has a tough time waiting if he has to poop. He hasn't peed in the house in a very long time, probably since the first week he was here,  and he pooped in the house once in the last three weeks although it was right by the front door.  He needs to poop very soon after he eats so we try to be very attentive to him at that time and he will definitely try to let you know he wants to go out however he loves to go outside so he asks for that a lot. He has been to some of the kids' sporting events and has done well with the crowds.  He lets people approach him and isn't barky at other dogs unless they are huge and then he likes to let them know he's there. We have had no concerns about taking him anywhere,  he fits right in to family life.